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Write to Enia

Children, parents and professional workers, write to Enia at her home address:

FINI Institute (for Enia)
Kolenov graben 8
1433 Radeče

or send her an e-mail:

Enia will be happy to receive your mail and will answer your every question.

Send her your drawings or tell her your tales. Enia will happily read everything and publish your artwork at:

EniaLet's become friends.

Kindergartens and schools

Every kindergarten and school that wishes to participate in our project can fill out the application.


Would you like your child to participate in an international ‘Say Hello to the World’ project? You can speak to your kindergarten teacher and inform her about us, or contact us. We will try to do our best to make it happen.

Enia introduces herself

Enia received her first drawings

01/04/2014 09:45:10

Hello, my dear friends!

This, I have to tell you! A few days ago, the postman brought me a big letter. It had many different stamps and stickers on it. Do you know where was is from? From Lithuania! And what was in the letter? Drawings of my friends from kindergarten in the Naujamiestis, in Lithuania. Beautiful drawings, full of hearts. When I closed my eyes, I could hear them beating, just like my heart. I wanted to fly up to the Sun and slide down the colourful Rainbow, all the way to my friends in Lithuania and to tell them that they have a very special place in my heart. Thank you my dear friends! I love you!

I have a gallery on my website, where I have displayed all these wonderful drawings of my friends from Lithuania. I would like to invite you to see it!

Waving hello to you all!

Tags: Say Hello to the World, Say hello, say hello to the world picture book, picture book, enia, kindergarten, lithuania