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Kindergartens and schools

Every kindergarten and school that wishes to participate in our project can fill out the application.


Would you like your child to participate in an international ‘Say Hello to the World’ project? You can speak to your kindergarten teacher and inform her about us, or contact us. We will try to do our best to make it happen.



23/05/2018 07:10:59

Pozorko was designed by two educators, teachers and mothers who interact with students, teachers, parents, nursery school children, nursery school teachers and their own families on a daily basis.

Attention is the ability to focus on some external or internal stimulus which, at that moment, is most important.

POZORKO is a didactic aid which can help you foster active attention, and at the same time a basis fort he development of your creativity as regards interaction with children.



Contents of the box:

  • 100 cards with exercises (50 cards with exercises fort he fostering of visual attention and 50 cards with exercises fort he fostering of auditory attention)


  • Access code for 50 worksheets (supplement to the cards)



-          Increases self- motivation

-          Stimulates the tackling of challenges

-          Supports knowledge sharing

-          Develops creativity

-          Stimulates cognitive abilities

-          Encourages learning through games

-          Promotes relaxed gatherings


More information:                     00386 51 37 57 68