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Kindergartens and schools

Every kindergarten and school that wishes to participate in our project can fill out the application.


Would you like your child to participate in an international ‘Say Hello to the World’ project? You can speak to your kindergarten teacher and inform her about us, or contact us. We will try to do our best to make it happen.

The small ones and the big ones,

the people of all kinds

all accepted, safe, healthy and respected

-in our little house-

We explore, cooperate, create and play,

hence we learn so we can grow happy.



What does our Kindergarten Principal think about the project?

23/08/2016 18:17:22

 The vision of the kindergarten Radeče:

 The small ones and the big ones,

the people of all kinds

all accepted, safe, healthy and respected

-in our little house-

We explore, cooperate, create and play,

hence we learn so we can grow happy.


We take the proverb „children are our future“ literally. We want our world to stay green, clean and beautiful, sunny and smiling and friendly to all the people who live on this planet ...

...Symbols: children holding a little piece of the world in their hands, flowers, sun, birds, butterflies, represent everything that is alive, fresh, young, clean ...

We respect all areas of child development. We focus especially on the relationships. We encourage curiosity, a positive attitude towards one selves and others, to life, nature, environment, cultural heritage ...

We believe that children are the essence of why we work. We strive to help children know how to think, to have confidence in themselves and their skills, to be able to work with others and to be able to resolve all the small problems that cross their way in childhood and adolescence ...

Alongside Youth center Radeče, we are the beginners of the project SAY HELLO TO THE WORLD which is based on the awareness of one's identity, knowledge of Slovenia and other countries, cultures and civilizations, concern for social justice, promotion of interaction between children and development of social skills. We would like to connect the children in kindergartens and schools from all around the world via a video call or network so they would be able to communicate in hundreds of languages that only they know. Meanwhile, we, “the big ones”, will help them, listen to them, encourage them and make this possible.

Our kindergarten already has friends from Sweden, from Göteborg city. We have already had some “gatherings”. A challenge, an attractive problem, excitement, wonder, incredible motivation, a desire for collaboration, learning, sharing knowledge, making contacts, building relationships keep us company from the first day of participation. Adults, we got a confirmation that children are without prejudice, tolerant, loving, willing to discover more and through the proper education they can be very respectful and tolerant ...

I find the project set by the authors remarkable and worth the journey through kindergartens  in Slovenia and around the world.

Anita Slakonja

Assistant headmistress of a kindergarten

Tags: Kindergarten Radeče, Slovenia, Radeče, Društvo mladinski center Radeče, Youth center Radeče, Anita Slakonja, International project, Say hello to the world, say hello, international preschool, kindergarten, sweden