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Kindergartens and schools

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World AIDS Day

23/08/2016 18:17:22

Have you attached a Red Ribbon, which illustrates safe sex and is a symbol of the fight against AIDS? With the Red Ribbon you will also show your solidarity to the infected.


The first symptoms of AIDS were diagnosed 30 years ago, but up to the year 2010, around 27 million people were killed, due to this disease.



AIDS stand for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, which is a disease caused by HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV attacks and destroys the white blood cells, which are important for the resistance against infectious diseases. Every hour it infects about 300 people (estimated by the World Health Organization).


The virus can infect anyone. Slovenia is among the countries with low numbers of infections, but the numbers continue to grow. HIV is found in bodily fluids and is transmitted through sexual relations, receiving infected blood or through contaminated needles, syringes and from an infected mother to a child.


How to prevent transmission? Get to know your partner well, protect yourself and practice safe sex, learn what types of sexual acts are riskier, do not share needles and syringes and avoid any piercing of the skin.



Tags: world aids day, aids, hiv, international project, say hello, say hello to the world